Thursday, June 3, 2010

6/3 Update

Brothers and Sisters:

The Negotiating Committee is meeting daily with the Company’s subcommittee. We are still working on language changes that were recommended to us by our Contract Language Committee.

As a committee, we did an informal survey in the 737 Brojte machine shop to inquire about interest in a variable work schedule. We met with all three shifts to gather information on this issue and will be returning those findings to the subcommittee and main table. We are still working on the M03 Facilities and M12 Tooling job descriptions. These have been productive meetings and we are right on track on our non-economic items.

Beginning June 4th, the Main Table will start meeting to negotiate all unresolved non-economic issues. Your Committee is working hard to resolve these issues.

Please understand that this committee cannot put out specifics concerning our proposals because things can change on a daily basis. We know that the membership is anxious to hear details about the negotiations, but we try and update you as much as possible.

Know this. We are committed to getting our membership the best contract we can and we will work diligently to do so. The concerns and needs of our members are of the utmost importance to us and we are working hard to pass this information on to the main table by way of existing contract language changes.

In Solidarity,

Your Negotiating Team